jueves, 3 de enero de 2013

01. Gorizia and Nova Gorica (separated twin towns)

Gorizia and Nova Gorica twin towns

Note: some pictures are taken from other forums, please understand that my intentions are not commercial or to get some benefit rather than help the communication between Italy and Slovenia people, and to give my research as a future plan to unite humans.
Two twin towns separated by a phisical remaining element of the iron curtain
Before we start working, I would like to introduce you a little bit more on what is happening on this area, so you can understand the motivation of this project.
After the 2nd World War, in the Paris peace treaties of 1947, a new borderline was established between both Italy and Yugoslavia. Gorizia once again was under italian control.
The new borderline was established using as a reference the old railways which lead to the Transalpina station.
After the Paris treaties, and in the middle of the reconstruction of all Europe, Yugoslavia decided to create a new city in the area which was totally destroyed. And so it was in 1948, a new twin town called Nova Gorica was born on the other side of the borderline a few meters away from the old Gorizia.

Here you can read more about Gorizia and Nova Gorica in the Wikipedia:

Nova Gorica: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nova_Gorica

Why the borderline?

Well, during the study of the area, most of us we could find that one of the main problems in the city, is the communication between Gorizia and Nova Gorica.
It´s increadible to see, though years went by, that the main element which is still used as a borderline reference (the old railway), is still creating some traffic problems in the rush hours, but mainly is still creating a barrier for both cultures.

Though this barrier is everyday crossed by many italians and slovenians who go from side to the other, maybe to go to their jobs, to buy something, to visit some friends, to visit family that remained on the other side, this barrier is still very strong.
Physically, visually we´ve got a strong urban object that we cannot displace (because is a communication way), nowadays we cannot bury it (because is a very expensive solution, and also it has a political and historical value)
We can dare to say, that a last part of the old "iron wall" is still alive...

Some of the old border controls are still complicating and slowing down the traffic and comunication.

Some of the old border controls are still complicating and slowing down the traffic and comunication

The old railway, still a part of the old "iron curtain"
Though there are some bike paths, the border line is always present.

This image from the Kostanjevica hill, speaks for itself about the strong division.

Another picture that shows the strong separation between nations, from the Pristava bridge.

Difference of cultures?
It´s easily to understand that after many years of war, (created only by politicians and governments), you can easily get a devastating separation between people.
Nowadays, slowly and after almost 4 generations, the racism and separation of nations generated by politicians is slowly disappearing, and now we can find once again that both cultures, somehow they were living in peace and cooperating together before facism.
Not only in Gorizia or Stara Gorica, but also in big cities as Trieste or Trst, slovenians and italians were living al together and even language was not a barrier in those days.
When the italian fascist government took control of Italy, this peace was totally destroyed, a large campaing of defamation, persecutions, slovenian shops turned in fire, and many slovenians died because this bad advertising.

Between 1st and 2nd world war, Italy was controlling most of the slovenian territory, and the fascist government forced the slovenian people to become italians. Slovenian schools were closed, the remaining ones were teaching only in italian language (thing that was abrupt for children who only spoke in slovenian, italian teachers were obliged to strike at them if they would speak in slovenian).
Resentment is slowly vanishing, the only people which still have the old mentality of pain, resentment and feelings against the other nation, of course generated by politicians a long time ago, is slowly disappearing from the new generations.

A strong image that shows cooperation and love between both nations.

A 3rd point of view is always helpful, (and also if it hasn´t been influenced!)

After 1st world war many slovenian families which were living near Gorizia lost everything, most of them were obliged to abandon their houses (because were destroyed or expropiated after the Isonzo or Soča battle front), they left everything and went to other countries like: Argentina, Australia, United States.
Many italians also left to this countries, because they were tired of problems, war, poverty and injustices.
In the 1st world war, italians were obliged to fight against "enemies", the alpine regiments were sent to the battle front in Isonzo or Soča River, were my slovenian family lived.

In the 2nd world war, italians also were obliged to fight against the same "enemies" once again, this time part of my italian family were sent to attack areas were my slovenian family lived.
But as we all know, anger, hate and separation are only illusions to separate people: My italian great-grandfather married my slovenian great-grandmother during the 2nd world war, and the most funny fact was that, my italian family who where soldiers, were staying and visiting everyday my slovenian family, so yes, love and peace are more powerful than any government command.
We can deduce that bad advertising and bad influence was a horrible fact used in Europe just to separate both nations for some few people´s benefit.
As I said a lot of times, I´m the product of this wars. I´m that 4th generation of slovenians and italians lost somewhere in the world.
As an appasionated argentinian, great-grandson of italians and slovenians which studied the storical facts in this area and also the current situation between nations. Knowing both cultures, both languages and being in permanent contact with both sides, I think I can help here.

Thanks for reading and remember: "yes, it´s possible!" / "si, è possible!" / "da, je mogoče!"

00. Welcome! / Benvenuti! / Dobrodošli!

Welcome to the GOiNG Project blog!
Benvenuti al blog del proggetto GOiNG!
Dobrodošli na blogu o Projektu GOiNG!

My name is Juan P. Maschio from Argentina, I have created this blog with the intention of giving a solution to the borderline between Italy and Slovenia, most precisely in the area between the cities Gorizia and Nova Gorica.

Why the borderline?
Well, most of people see a huge problem between cultures.

But I see that there are no problems, only potential things that we can use to empower the relationship between Italy and Slovenia in the next future.
On one side, we´ve got an old town, evolved after lots of years by different cultures, Gorizia has been passing on different hands, french, austro-hungarian, and now it belongs to Italy.
This city it shows clearly the evolution after decades of its own urban grid, it has a well definited center and it´s strongly attached to the landscape with an important group of resorces: storical elements, agriculture areas, industrial areas, and a strong educational system.

On the other side we´ve got Nova Gorica, a brand new town, created after the 2nd World war, its urban grid it´s been a conjunction of many modern urban works.
As a modern city it´s equipped with different things that we cannot find in the old Gorizia.
Beside Nova Gorica we have different small towns and villages that go along the borderline, they are: Pristava, Rožna dolina, Šempeter and Vrtojba.

Items to work with
After a long analisis of the main elements that have been causing a big impact in the area, we can deduce that the potential items to work with are:

  • 1. The phisical and visual barrier of the Transalpina railway.
  • 2. The "diagonality" generated by the geographical situation between the two town´s center (Gorizia - Nova Gorica)
  • 3. The huge difference of cultures, ltalian and Slovenian Culture.

Why an open blog?
Well, the answer is simple, I give my research and the possible solutions to the world and mainly to both nations: Reppublica Italiana and Republika Slovenija, so in someway we can find the better way to build a good future between humans.
You can also collaborate with your ideas, this blog it doesn´t have any lucrative idea, so your idea will be helpful for the development of new ideas in order to solve the differences between nations.

If you find some other webpages or people using this information with a lucrative intention or using this project in their own names, please don´t doubt to contact me so we´ll find a nice solution to that.
Of course you can leave your comments, also in italian or slovenian.

I will leave the comments open so you can comment freely and express your ideas about this project.
Please let´s try not to write insults or racist comments, otherwise they will be deleted.
Remember this project is to lift up the differences between two cultures and years of pain and misunderstanding.
In the next entries we will explain more in detail what´s this project about.
I will leave the image of the project´s logotype so you can think on it and deduce what´s everything about.

Thanks for reading and remember: "yes, it´s possible!" / "si, è possible!" / "da, je mogoče!"